Action Required (if you want to keep in touch)

 I have decided to move this blog over to Substack, relaunching as occasional short posts plus a more substantial newsletter with a regular monthly beat to be published on at least the first Friday of every month, starting in September. 

This is mainly because Blogger is shutting Feedburner, the simple service that enabled people to sign up to receive my posts by email, which the data analytics, if you'll pardon such a word being used between friends, suggests is where a lot of people read most of my posts. (My readership being quality over quantity, as you might imagine.)

I'm also taking this moment to do a bit of a refresh on how I can use regular writing for my own purposes - digesting, clarifying, notating - whilst being useful to others by providing stimulating collections of thoughts of my own and signposting to others. I will be aligning the newsletter with the new book too, adopting the theme of Tactics for the Tightrope, hence the address:

Moving to Substack allows options for paid subscriptions, but that's not something I'm look at for now. I am going to do three seasons of newsletters a year to give some form to it, connected to themes in Tactics for the Tightrope. 

This blog will stay here, orbiting cyberspace like Devo's space junk, until Blogger goes the way of my old poetry project Geocities sites. All the Thinking Practice posts can be found over on the new site, in case you want to look for something there. The old Arts Counselling blog is also still available for historians and nostalgics.

Some of you receiving this by email signed up long ago, in a universe far away, many with new jobs. But do sign up again, and tell your friends and networks.
