How I Learned to Sing for free

I came across the image above recently, looking for a review of my 2013 'New & Selected' How I Learned to Sing. (A specific one, I gave up looking for reviews in general a while ago.) They are not, I fear, real,  but this did give me an idea. (Well, two if you count the idea of writing a book that would free people from negative emotions and joy.) Now that the book is sold out and out of print - bar a few copies in my cupboard - perhaps I should make it available properly with Smokestack's permission in a downloadable pdf version. It may not get reprinted but it could potentially continue to reach new readers.

So here it is. Click on the picture below and a pdf shall be yours. If you really really want a hard copy, email me, but don't feel obliged. There are new and second-hand copies available on Amazon too for prices currently ranging from a fiver inc p&p to £98. Go figure.

You can read material including real reviews, the afterlife of one poem in a GCSE English book and New Writing North's Read Regional Guide for the book on the very sporadic blog about my poetry work How I Learned to Sing.

 How I Learned to Sing
